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What We Do

Community, Intension, Healing and Water

We have been gathering communities together since 2018.  Here at Earth's Water, we are introducing simple steps for healing.  Our monthly events bring the connections full of life.  We gather near a water based park, we take minutes of gratitude for the water to heal. Sacred hikes for setting your own simple intension as you walk along the water. Earth's Water is a Non-Profit organization, 501c3. 

About: Who We Are

Here at Earths Water, we are introducing simple steps for healing.  Our monthly events bring the connection alive. We gather near a water based park, we take minutes of gratitude for the water to heal. 

We are thankful for this life force that flows around each living thing.


Water you bring so much life sustaining energy to all that you support


Water your currents are managing your patterns are uniquely made.


Earth's Water is a collective connection to the water. The water has messages for us. We are to grow with expansive thoughts for the community around us.

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About: Text

Who We Are

It was placed on our hearts to thank the water.

We have developed into action to bring this Earths Water into life. We are dedicated to continue the awareness of the consciousness of water. We have been asked to give gratitude to the water. This gratitude process gives us healing.  We know we can change the molecules of the water with our positive intension. in the same way when we can positive self- talk to ourselves we can also heal.

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About: Text
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